Updated and New Courses/Lessons/Course Materials as of 08/15/24

Updated and New Courses, Lessons, and Course Materials in the iFTI LMS as of August 15, 2024

FTI 1028 Experienced Instructor Refresher
CAN 1211 Health and Safety for Managers and Supervisors* (Canada) – Online course with French version FRE 1211 Sante et Securite pour les Gestionnaires et les Superviseurs*
CAS 2013 Industrial Applicator – Placeholder to upload training completions.
CAS 2312 Introduction to Blasting – Placeholder to upload training completions.
SPN 1108 Seguridad en Eescaleras y Escaleras de Mano – English Translation: Stair and Ladder Safety)

Requested DC-Specific Courses used as Placeholder for Uploading Course Completions (No resources sent or available)
C11 5015 AGMT Recertification Prep (Classroom-DC 11)
C07 5427 Door Hardware – Closers (Classroom-DC 07)
C11 1151 Forklift License Prep (Classroom-DC 11)
C21 5441 Introduction to Window Film (Classroom-DC 21)
C07 5415 Panic Hardware (Classroom-DC 07)

C57 1004 Basic Mathematics and Measurements (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 1004 Basic Mathematics and Measurements (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1004I Basic Mathematics and Measurements (Instructor Access)
COR 1004S Basic Mathematics and Measurements (Student Access)
C07 1004 GLZ Basic Math and Measurements (Classroom-DC 07)
C51 1116C Hazardous Communication (Classroom-DC 51)
COR 1116C Hazardous Communication (CERTIFICATION)
C81 1116C Hazardous Communication (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1116I Hazardous Communication (Instructor Access)
DOT 1146 Heat Stress
FTI 1146 Heat Stress
COR 178 Heat Stress*
COR 0002 iFTI LMS Admin Orientation
COR 0001 iFTI LMS Learner Orientation
GLZ 5106 Math for the Glazing Trade IIMath for the Glazing Trade II
C07 5106 Math for the Glazing Trades (Classroom-DC 07)
C07 5200 Sealants and Compatibility (Classroom-DC 07)

American School Counselors Association (ASCA) Annual Conference
Associate Instructor and Master Instructor – End of Program Survey Results
COE Accreditation
COE Occupational Advisory Committee Meeting with iFTI Staff
Construction Master Pro User Guide ENGLISH
Construction Master Pro User Guide SPANISH
COR 1000 IUPAT History – New Videos
COR 1027 Artificial Intelligence (AI)*
DOL Article: “How IUPAT’s Bridge Programs Open Doors to Good Jobs
iFTI’s COE Reaffirmation
iFTI Course Catalog
iFTI Dress Code
iFTI LMS Training
iFTI Training Calendar
IUPAT Members Elected as COE Officers
IUPAT Member Mobile App Version 5.0.1
LMS Microsoft Online Courses
Mini Translator
Programs of Study
Temperature Extremes Grant Update
The COE Team Leader and Members Visited the ISCs
Third Party Courses – Best Practices
Third Party Course List
Third Party Online Course Price List
Updated and New Courses/Lessons/Course Materials as of 07/09/24