Updated and New Courses/Lessons/Course Materials as of 11/21/23

Updated and New Courses, Lessons, and Course Materials in the iFTI LMS as of November 21, 2023

SPN 7500 Introduccion a la Pintura con Equipo de Rociado – English Translation: Introduction to Spray Painting.
CAS 2017C Basic Safety Training Fire Awareness (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for completion uploads.
CAS 2018C GWO First Aid – Trauma at Height (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for completion uploads.
CAS 2019C GWO Manual Handling (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for completion uploads.
CAS 2016C GWO Sea Survival Training for Offshore Wind (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for completion uploads.
CAS 2015C GWO Working at Height (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for completion uploads.
CAS 2020C Huet for Offshore Wind (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for completion uploads.
COR 1222C NABTU Trainer Enhancement (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for completion uploads.
COR 167C OSHA 7405 Fall Hazard Awareness (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for completion uploads.
COR 168C OSHA 7505 Incident Investigation (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for completion uploads.

Requested DC-Specific Courses used as Placeholder for Uploading Course Completions (No resources sent or available)
C05 165C 20-Hour High Hazard Facility Training
C21 5110 DC 21 Apprentice Certification Upload
C81 149C EM 385 (Classroom-DC 81)
C21 1135 NCCCO Mobile Crane Prep (Classroom-DC 21)

PNT 7400 Identifying Paint Coatings and Materials
C07 7400 Identifying Paints Coatings and Materials (Classroom-DC 07)
C51 7400 Identifying Paints Coatings and Materials (Classroom-DC 51)
C57 7400 Identifying Paints Coatings and Materials (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 7400 Identifying Paints Coatings and Materials (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1000 IUPAT History
C07 1000 IUPAT History (Classroom-DC 07)
C51 1000 IUPAT History (Online-DC 51)
C57 1000 IUPAT History (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 1000 IUPAT History (Classroom-DC 81)
FTI 1017 IUPAT History/Structure and Introduction to Computing Applications
FTI 1039 IUPAT HQ Orientation
C30 7400 PNT 2 Paint Materials and Coatings (Classroom-DC 30)
FTI 1173C Scaffold Worker-Erector-Dismantler (CERTIFICATION)
FLR 4606 Synthetic Turf Installation
FTI 1007 Teaching Union History
COR 1015 US TAPP (Classroom-DC 58)

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iFTI Class Syllabus
iFTI Course Catalog
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Instructor Training Programs – End of Program Survey Summary and Action Plans
My Course is Locked. – What Happened to Red Vector Courses?
Student Handbook
Third Party Course List
Updated and New Courses/Lessons/Course Materials as of 10/17/23