Updated and New Courses, Lessons, and Course Materials in the iFTI LMS as of July 11, 2022
FTI 4219 Jon Don Concrete Surface Preparation and Polishing – Placeholder for in-person TTT classes in Hanover, Maryland
FTI 1173C Scaffold Worker-Erector-Dismantler (CERTIFICATION) – Placeholder for in-person TTT classes in Hanover, Maryland
Requested DC-Specific Courses used as Placeholder for Uploading Course Completion
C06 2101 AMPP/SSPC CAS Level I Preparation and Test (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 2103C AMPP/SSPC Coating Application Specialist Prep (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 1046 Basic Blueprint Reading (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 5305 Blueprint Reading: Architectural (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 5304 Blueprint Reading: Shop Drawings/Diagrams (Classroom-DC 06)
COR 1029 Class Participation
ASC 1029 Class Participation (Associate-DC 82)
C06 7901 Decorative Finishes I – Faux Effects (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 7902 Decorative Finishes II – Faux Effects (Classroom-DC 06)
ASC 1200 Effective Communications (Associate-DC 82)
ASC 1218 Effective Writing (Associate-DC 82)
C11 1197C Fall Protection Awareness (Classroom-DC 11)
C06 1101C First Aid/CPR/AED (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 1104C First Aid/CPR/AED – Child and Infant (Classroom-DC 06)
ASC 1020 Introduction to Computers (Associate-DC 82)
C06 5406 Introduction to Storefronts (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 7600 Introduction to Wallcoverings (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 1135C Lead Refresher (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 2011C NACE CIP Level I (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 2006C NACE CIP Level II (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 160C NCCCO Mobile Crane (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 1154C OVERTON Forklift Initial (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 1194C OVERTON Forklift Refresher (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 1165C Overton Mobile Elevated Work Platform Initial (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 124C Overton Mobile Elevated Work Platform Refresher (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 1126C OVERTON Rigging and Signaling Initial (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 148C OVERTON Signaling (Classroom DC-06)
C82 7957 PNT Semester 6 Final Project (DC 82)
C06 2501C Quality Control Specialist (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 1139C Respirator Fit Test (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 119C Respirator Refresher (Classroom-DC 06)
C06 5201 Sealant Application Testing and Failure (Classroom-DC 06)
GLW 5902 Semester 2 Assessment (DC 82)
GLW 5903 Semester 3 Assessment (DC 82)
GLW 5904 Semester 4 Assessment (DC 82)
GLW 5905 Semester 5 Assessment (DC 82)
GLW 5906 Semester 6 Assessment (DC 82)
ASC 1004 Survey of Mathematics (Associate-DC 82)
ASC 1000 US Government and Civic Engagement (Associate-DC 82)
C06 149C USACE Fall Protection (Classroom-DC 06)
DRY 3500 Automatic Taping Tools
C51 3500 Automatic Taping Tools (Classroom-DC 51)
C30 3100 DRY 1 Introduction to the Drywall Finishing Trade (Classroom-DC 30)
C30 3501 DRY 3 Fast-Setting Compounds-Finishing Box and Drywall Repairs (Classroom-DC 30)
C30 3504 DRY 4 Introduction to Automatic Taper and Specialty Beads (Classroom-DC 30)
C30 3700 DRY 5 Automatic Taping Tools and Textures (Classroom-DC 30)
C30 3808 DRY 9 Process Reinforcement Verification (Classroom-DC 30)
C06 3700 Drywall Textures (Classroom-DC 06)
DRY 3402 Filling by Hand
C51 3402 Filling by Hand (Classroom-DC 51)
C57 3402 Filling by Hand (Classroom-DC 57)
DRY 3400 Filling Compounds
C81 3400 Filling Compounds (Classroom-DC 81)
DRY 3100 Fundamentals of the Drywall Trade
C51 3100 Fundamentals of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 51)
DRY 3101 Glossary for the Drywall Trade
C51 3101 Glossary for the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 51)
C81 3101 Glossary of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 81)
DRY 3401 Hand Embedding
C57 3401 Hand Embedding/Wiping Tapes (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 3401 Hand Embedding/Wiping Tapes (Classroom-DC 81)
DRY 3204 Installing Beads and Trims
DRY 3103 Job Economics for the Drywall Trade
C51 3103 Job Economics for the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 51)
C81 3103 Job Economics for the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 81)
DRY 3804 Level 5 Applications
DRY 3200 Materials of the Drywall Trade
C51 3200 Materials of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 51)
C57 3200 Materials of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 3200 Materials of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 81)
C30 7805 PNT 7 Drywall Finishing and Repairs for Painters (Classroom-DC 30)
DRY 3102 Pre-Job Inspection and Preparation
C51 3102 Pre-Job Inspection and Preparation (Classroom-DC 51)
C57 3102 Pre-Job Inspection and Preparation (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 3102 Pre-Job Inspection and Preparation (Classroom-DC 81)
DRY 3600 Repairs and Corrections
C57 3600 Repairs and Corrections (Classroom-DC 57)
FTI 5006 School Guard Glass Installation
GLZ 5431 School Guard Glass Installation Overview
DRY 3700 Texturing
DRY 3300 Tools of the Drywall Trade
C51 3300 Tools of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 51)
C81 3300 Tools of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1015 US TAPP (Classroom-DC 58)
DRY 3403 Wiping Angle Tapes
C51 3403 Wiping Angle Tapes (Classroom-DC 51)
C57 3403 Wiping Angle Tapes (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 3403 Wiping Angle Tapes (Classroom-DC 81)
iFTI Course Catalog
iFTI Training Calendar
Programs of Study
Third Party Online Course Price List
Updated and New Courses/Lessons/Course Materials as of 06/13/22