Updated and New Courses, Lessons, and Course Materials in the iFTI LMS as of February 13, 2023
SPN 1000 Historia de la IUPAT
COR 1130C OSHA 30* – Updated with new online course from ClickSafety.
ZCOR 1130C OSHA 30* (version 2021) – This was the old course with reported errors. ClickSafety replaced the online course. The old course has been unpublished.
Requested DC-Specific Courses used as Placeholder for Uploading Course Completions
C11 110C Coyne Basic First Aid (Classroom-DC 11)
C11 116C Coyne Basic Life Support (CPR/AED) (Classroom-DC 11)
GLZ 5502 Air Seal
GLZ 5006A Art Stained Glass (Assessment Only)
GLZ 5105A Bits-Tips-Taps-Fasteners (Assessment Only)
C46 5427 Closers (Classroom-DC 46)
GLZ 5310 Cost Exercise
C46 5400 Entrances and Related Hardware (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5011 Entry Level Construction IHSA (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 1110 Fire Stops (Classroom-DC 46)
GLZ 5102A Glass Cutting and Fabrication (Assessment Only)
C46 5121 Glazier Basic – Circles Project (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5447A Glazier Basic – Final Assessment (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5100A Glazier Basic – Math Assessment (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5406 Glazier Basic – Metal Project (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5401 Glazier Basic – Mirror Project (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5122 Glazier Basic – Octagon Project (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5503A Glazier Basic – Screen Assessment (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5503 Glazier Basic – Screen Project (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5449 Glazier Intermediate – Assemble Project (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5414 Glazier Intermediate – Door Project (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5448 Glazier Intermediate – Fabrication Project (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5451A Glazier Intermediate – Final Assessment (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5450 Glazier Intermediate – Pivots Project (Classroom-DC 46)
GLZ 5120 Glazing Intermediate Introduction
C46 5403 High Rise and High Span Curtain Wall Construction (Classroom-DC 46)
GLZ 5119A History of Glass (Assessment Only)
C46 5113 Introduction to Glazing (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5000 Safe Work Practices II (Classroom-DC 46)
C46 5104 Transits and Leveling Instruments (Classroom-DC 46)
C21 1101C AHA Heartsaver First Aid/CPR/AED (Classroom-DC 21)
C35 116C American Heart Association (AHA) CPR (Classroom-DC 35)
C35 1104C American Heart Association (AHA) Heartsaver CPR AED (Classroom-DC 35)
C81 1101C American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED (Classroom-DC 81)
C07 1007 Architectural Drawings (Classroom-DC 07)
C81 1007 Architectural Drawings (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1007I Architectural Drawings (Instructor Access)
COR 1007S Architectural Drawings (Student Access)
C57 1007 Architectural Drawings- Blueprint Reading (Classroom-DC 57)
COR 1159 Back Safety*
COR 1046 Basic Blueprint Reading
C06 1046 Basic Blueprint Reading (Classroom-DC 06)
C46 1046 Basic Blueprint Reading (Classroom-DC 46)
C81 1046 Basic Blueprint Reading: Architectural (Classroom-DC 81)
C21 5303 Blueprint Interpretation (Classroom-DC 21)
COR 003I Blueprint Reading Fundamentals Level 1 (Instructor Access)
COR 003S Blueprint Reading Fundamentals Level 1 (Student Access)
GLZ 5305 Blueprint Reading: Architectural
C06 5305 Blueprint Reading: Architectural (Classroom-DC 06)
C51 5305 Blueprint Reading: Architectural (Classroom-DC 51)
C82 5303 Blueprint Reading: Perimeter Sheet for Signage (Classroom-DC 82)
C82 1046 Blueprint Reading: Signage Architectural Drawings (Classroom-DC 82)
C81 1103 Ergonomics in Workplace (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1103 Ergonomics in the Workplace*
C06 1101C First Aid/CPR/AED (Classroom-DC 06)
C51 1101C First Aid/CPR/AED (Classroom-DC 51)
C57 1101C First Aid/CPR/AED (Classroom-DC 57)
C82 1101C First Aid/CPR/AED (Classroom-DC 82)
C58 1101C First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor (Classroom-DC 58)
C36 1101C First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor (Classroom-DC 36)
PNT 7100 Introduction to the Painting and Decorating Trade
COR 1157C Lift Awareness/Fall Protection/Lead Refresher/EEO
C30 7100 PNT 1 Introduction to the Painting and Decorating Trade (Classroom-DC 30)
C46 1101C Standard First Aid w/ CPR/AED Level A (Classroom-DC 46)
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
iFTI Course Catalog
iFTI Training Calendar
IUPAT History is now available in Spanish!
Programs of Study
Spanish Resources in the LMS
Third Party Online Course Price List
Updated and New Courses/Lessons/Course Materials as of 01/13/22