Chrome Issues?

Using Chrome? “After clicking the lesson, the screen is blank. I hear narration but cannot view…

ClickSafety Improvements

ClickSafety is making improvements to its site and OSHA 30 courses over the next couple of…

Tradeshow, PNT, and COR Curriculum Committees

Tradeshow, PNT, and COR Curriculum Committees have met and are currently reviewing courses and revising the…

Revised GLZ Curriculum

The following course has been updated: GLZ 5002 Shop Machinery Safety Awareness, GLZ 5000, 5001, 5003,…

Top 50 LMS for 2019

Our LMS – Persona Learning has been named Top 50 LMS for 2019. 5th Year in…

The OJL Feature is now LIVE!

The OJL (On the Job Learning) feature is available on apprentices’ IUPAT Member app. The feature…

Sunset of Adobe Flash in 2020

Our original eLearnings were published in flash which at that time was the latest software. However,…

Contact Us

Use this link to learn how to take a screen shot on your phone, PC, MAC,…

2025 iFTI Training Calendar

The iFTI Training Calendar provides an annual schedule of classes to be taught within the calendar…


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