My Learning Paths


My Learning Paths widget is now available in the iFTI LMS. The new widget is an organized list of your course enrollments  arranged by year, trade, level based on the permissions set by your District Council training. Click the Path icon to add it to your dashboard.

My Learning Paths widget displays your progress, along with information on due dates and expiration. To view the list of assigned courses by level, you can click the Play icon under View.

Aside from the Enrollments widget, My Learning paths can be used to view course descriptions, download available resources, or launch online courses by clicking the Play icon.

NOTE: As an admin, you can manage the sequence of the courses and upload additional resources in each learning path.

Upon clicking the course, you will have access to the course and launch online lessons if available. 

NOTE: Enrollments assigned to a learning path will be labelled in the Enrollment widget list and within the course description.

As we transition to this new feature, it may seem that some of your courses are missing. If enrollments are not showing on My Dashboard, follow the steps below:

  1. Enable the My Learning Paths widget by clicking the path icon
  2. Refresh page (F5). 

Your courses can now be accessed through the Enrollments or My Learning Paths widgets.

My Dashboard Best Practices/Tips

To optimize your dashboard, you can do the following:

  • Filter your Enrollments widget.
  • Organize your widgets.

Steps to Filter your Enrollments widget

If you have several enrollments and completions, you can filter your view.

How to Filter Your Enrollments widget:

  1. Click Filter icon (funnel). 
  1. Under Status, uncheck all except Enrolled. Under Learning Object, uncheck all except Standalone Course.
  1. Click Apply Filters button.

Steps to Organize your Widgets 

Manage your dashboard by opening only the widgets that you frequently access. By default, you only have the Enrollments widget. You can select and organize the rest of your widgets.

  1. Aside from the Enrollments widget, you will need the My Learning Paths widget.
  1. Depending on your instructor or DC, you may need to turn one or more of the following widgets:

My Dashboard and Learner Widgets

  • Enrollments 
  • My Learning Paths 
  • Instructor-Led Training Sessions (Launched in Phase 3)
  • Documents
  • Calendar
  • Discussion Feed
  • My Communities
  • Transcript
  • Certificates
  • My Leaderboards/Team Leaderboards
  • Enrollment Statistics

Admin Widgets

  • ILT Roster Management (Launched in Phase 3)
  • Administrative Tasks (Launched in Phase 3)
  • Reports Shortcuts
  1. Drag and drop to the preferred section of your page/screen.

For more information, please contact