iFTI Engages with the American Council on Education to Expand College Credit Opportunities for Apprentices – The International Finishing Trades Institute is one of nine training and education institutions accepted into the American Council on Education (ACE) Apprenticeship Pathways project with the goal to increase the opportunity for apprentices to earn college credits for completing iFTI training curriculum through apprenticeship.
American Council on Education (ACE) – The iFTI is always looking to provide a variety of educational opportunities for our members. The American Council on Education (ACE) is, a federally recognized accreditation which offers another pathway to a college degree. The ACE review team is made up of workforce industry professionals and selected faculty of higher education institutions that have academic expertise in the content area being reviewed. The reviewers are responsible for determining if the course, exam, apprenticeship, or occupation meets the criteria for college credit recommendations.
The ACE National Guide is a compilation of college credit recommendations of courses and examinations that CREDIT has evaluated. As a resource for higher education, it provides a link between workplace learning and higher education.
The ACE review team analyzes materials, validates learning outcomes and competencies, and recommends postsecondary credit based on its findings. Upon completion of the CAS Program review and interviews with some of our CAS Apprentices, the ACE Review Team recommended 62 postsecondary credits for the program. The iFTI would like to thank the DC-36 members involved in the iFTI ACE accreditation interviews. The passion and knowledge displayed by the apprentices truly highlight the excellence of our instruction and the dedication of our members.