Susan Hardwood Grant (SHG)

The iFTI received the DOL Susan Harwood Training Program Targeted Topic Training grant to develop a 2-hour Ergonomics training for the Finishing Trades, based on the latest scientific data, risk assessments methods, and controls. The course and materials will include the development an instructor PPT, student/instructor manual, 5 toolbox talks (one for glaziers, painters, drywall finishers, wallpaper hangers, and tradeshow workers), a 1-hr eLearning course, and translation of the materials into Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek.

All training materials will be developed by the Health and Safety Consultant who has 33 years of experience and is a licensed Registered Nurse specializing in Occupational and Behavioral Health, with certification as an Ergonomic Specialist. iFTI instructors participating in the initial TTT courses will provide input for revisions that will be appropriately applied to establish final course materials. Once the materials are approved by the SHG OSHA representative, delivery and initial evaluation of the course will be through two 1-day train-the-trainer courses with 40 of our most experienced instructors for a total of 300 contact hours. Ten instructors will be bilingual, speaking Spanish, Portuguese, or Greek. Enrolling worker-trainers into the TTT classes will be conducted in a way to ensure all of our trades are represented over the two 1-day TTT classes.

The Ergonomics for the Finishing Trades training course materials will contain information on employer responsibilities and worker rights under the OSH Act, including the right to raise health and safety concerns free from retaliation, and a review of the General Duty Clause Section 5(a). The training will address anti-retaliation provisions under Section 11(c) of the OSH Act, whistleblower law enforcement.