New Courses/Lessons/Course Materials as of 05/09/20

New Courses, Lessons, and Course Materials in the iFTI LMS as of May 9, 2020


COR 1254 California Employee Harassment Prevention (SB1343)* – replaced Tactical Time Management: An Advanced Course – now part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1265 Change Management* – part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1131 Construction Safety Awareness* – part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1267 Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace* – part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1221 Delegation* – part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1261 Effective Leadership* – part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1240 Employee Motivation* – part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1260 Managing Stress* – part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1266 Mental Health Awareness– part of Vubiz bundle

C09 1001 New York Harassment Prevention – part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1047 Supervisor Harassment Prevention (US Federal)* – replaced Sexual Harassment: Respecting the Individual* – part of Vubiz bundle
COR 1216 Time Management* – replaced Smart Time Management: The 80/20 Rule for Making Every Minute Count* – now part of Vubiz bundle
FRE 1260 Comprendre le stress* – part of Vubiz bundle
FRE 1267 Creativite et innovation en milieu de travail – part of Vubiz bundle
FRE 195 Preparation au Coronavirus a lintention des employeurs et des employes – part of Vubiz bundle
SPN 1112 Electrical Safety* (Spanish) – part of Red Vector bundle
KID 195 Worried about Coronavirus? (For Kids) – part of Vubiz bundle


COR 1253C California Supervisor Harassment Prevention (AB1825) (CERTIFICATION)* – Used to be Sexual Harassment Prevention for Field Managers and Supervisors (California AB 1825)(CERTIFICATION)* – now part of the Vubiz bundle
C30 2100 CAS 1 Introduction to the Industrial Painting Trade (Classroom-DC 30)
C30 2501 CAS 5 Quality Control Spray Applications and Welding (Classroom-DC 30)
C30 2608 CAS 9 Coating Application Specialist (Classroom-DC 30)
COR 1232 Coaching for Better Performance*
COR 1225 Communication and Leadership*
COR 1111C Confined Space (CERTIFICATION)
COR 1259 Coping with Change*
COR 1245 Customer Service*
COR 1236 Dealing With Conflict*
C30 3100 DRY 1 Introduction to the Drywall Finishing Trade (Classroom-DC 30)
COR 1112 Electrical Safety*
COR 1103 Ergonomics in the Workplace*
C81 1103 Ergonomics in Workplace (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1119C Fall Protection (CERTIFICATION)
DRY 3000 Finisher Health and Safety Overview
COR 1201C Foreman Training (CERTIFICATION)
C57 1201C Foreman Training (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 1201 Foreman Training (Online-DC 81)
DRY 3100 Fundamentals of the Drywall Trade
DRY 3401 Hand Embedding Wiping Tapes
C57 3401 Hand Embedding/Wiping Tapes (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 3401 Hand Embedding/Wiping Tapes (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1117I Hearing Conservation (Instructor Access)
COR 1117S Hearing Conservation (Student Access)
C57 1117 Hearing Conservation (Classroom-DC 57)
COR 1127 Hexavalent Chromium
COR 1108S Ladder Safety (Student Access)
COR 1108I Ladder Safety (Instructor Access)
COR 1238 Leadership for Managers and Supervisors*
DRY 3200 Materials of the Drywall Trade
C51 3200 Materials of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 51)
C57 3200 Materials of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 57)
C81 3200 Materials of the Drywall Trade (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1240 Motivating Employees: Getting the Most from Your Team*
COR 1009 Personal Finance*
C30 7805 PNT 7 Drywall Finishing and Repairs for Painters (Classroom-DC 30)
C30 7804 PNT 6 Industrial Painting and Abrasive Blasting (Classroom-DC 30)
CAS 2501C Quality Control Specialist (CERTIFICATION)
CAS 2701 Quality Inspections
COR 1102C Respiratory Protection (CERTIFICATION)
COR 1244 Role of the New Supervisor*
C51 117C Scaffold Awareness (Classroom-DC 51)
C05 1120C Scaffold Awareness/Fall Protection (Classroom-DC 05)
COR 117C Scaffold Safety Awareness – Suspended Scaffold User (CERTIFICATION)
COR 1001 Sexual Harassment*
COR 1124 Solvents and Hazardous Materials
C81 1124 Solvents and Hazardous Materials (Classroom-DC 81)
COR 1015 US TAPP (DC 58)


COR 195 Coronavirus Preparedness for Employers and Employees*
C36 1133 Valley Fever (CA AB203) (Classroom – DC 36)


FTI 1008 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
C36 1133 Valley Fever (CA AB203) (Classroom – DC 36)
COR 195 Coronavirus Preparedness for Employers and Employees*
*DOT Seminar
FTI 1012 Directors of Training Seminar


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